Corinthian clippings for 1902

Corinthian clippings for 1902

Mrs. W.W. Kemp died yesterday evening after an illness of about three months with fever. The remains were carried this morning to the old Danville burying grounds and laid to rest. She leaves a husband and two sons.

The supreme court has reversed and remanded the case of the state vs. Sam McMasters. The defendant was convicted in last circuit court of murdering his father and sentenced to forty years in the pen.

Peck’s Bad Boy, which will be at the New Century Theatre on tomorrow evening has not only met with great success, but the piece has actually deserved it. One very noticeable feature throughout the entire performance is the absence of any scene, incident of dialogue that could in any way offend the most fastidious person.


Negress Recovers While Being Prepared For Burial Near Jackson, Tennessee.

A strange story comes from Denmark, this county, Liza Williamson, a negress, was struck on the head Sunday with a rail by William Goff and was apparently killed. Goff is in jail for supposed murder. The woman was being prepared for burial after having been supposed dead nearly a day. She suddenly breathed and sat up in bed, while the frightened negroes who had gathered fled from the house. It was some time before they recovered sufficiently to send for a doctor. The woman is rapidly recovering. The deathlike stupor is supposed to have resulted from concussion of the brain.

A Kentuckian has just connected himself with the church at the age of 121 years. The lamp held out to burn a long time for this vile sinner. Generally speaking, however, it is safest not to wait until you are 121.

A Meridian man is reported by the Press as having a cow four years old that is no larger than a good sized dog, and which gives one gallon of milk per day. Her ration is ten cents worth of hay and a half pail of water per day. That’s more than the average Mississippi cow ever gets and more milk than a great many of them give.

To cure torpid liver, constipation, loss of appetite, biliousness, and other complaints of the liver, stomach or bowels, take Liver-Lax. A 25 cents little liver pill. Pleasant to take.


Try your luck at a guessing contest at Hamlin’s millinery store and get a nice soft piller (sic). 15 cents a guess.

The free open air shows will be continued a few more afternoons and nights. This is positively Dr. Oppenheimer’s last week in Corinth.

James Gish, you can say to the good people that I have worn a pair of your Hamilton Brown shoes for 12 months. A Lady Customer.

Rev. Austin Crouch has gone to Blackland to preach before the fifth Sunday meeting. He will be back and fill his pulpit on Sunday, both morning and night.

A 5 year old grandchild of Jane Munroe, colored, who lives on Ed Mask’ place nine miles west of Corinth was burned to death yesterday caused by explosion of coal oil lamp.


Mrs. Maggie Roberts Dies From an Overdose of Laudanum.

Greenville, Mississippi, December 2nd- Mrs. Maggie Roberts died here last night from the effects of an overdose of laudanum. The circumstances indicate that the laudanum was taken with suicidal intent.

MISTOOK THE DOSE. Iuka, Mississippi, December 3rd-Harriet Knight, a colored woman who has been cooking for W.J. Moore, took a dose of strychnine today, mistaking it for quinine, and died in a few minutes in great agony.

Marriage license issued: James Pyles and Miss Sudie Whitaker; J.E. Smith and Miss Mollie McCrary; Aaron Grigsley and Miss Pearl Farris; W.L. Elliott and Miss Lou Crowe; J.W. Watts and Miss Lenora Morris.

The remains of Word Lindsey, who died in a St. Louis hospital, were received here yesterday and interred in the Henry Cemetery. He was a young man about 21 years of age and had both legs cut off by an Iron Mountain train in Arkansas several months ago. He was carried to St. Louis and placed in the railroad hospital, and died from the injuries received.


Bethel Springs, Tennessee, December 4th-What might have been an awful tragedy was narrowly averted here this morning. Mr. Baker and his family, who live at Purdy, had been away on a visit. While they were away some unknown party took a lot of strychnine which was in the clock and emptied it in the flour barrel.

It was from this flour that the biscuits for the family breakfast were cooked. Mr. Baker had started to eat one of the biscuits, but found it so bitter that he threw it on the floor.

The cat took a few bites of the discarded biscuit and died in 30 seconds.

Fortunately none of the family ate enough of the biscuits to cause any serious illness.

It is not known who placed the strychnine in the flour.


M. Bear, an experienced laudryman, has purchased the Corinth Steam Laundry, and will endeavor to conduct it to the entire satisfaction of the public and patrons. He will do all kinds of steam cleaning and dyeing; ladies’ work a specialty. Mr. Bear formerly lived in Corinth, and has had 25 years experience in the business.

Col. J.C. Clark, the well-known railroad man, formerly at the head of the M.&O. railroad, died yesterday in Chicago.

The members of the Emerald Club are requested to meet at the residence of Mrs. M.W. Stanly (sic) Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. A full attendance is desired.

Blind staggers among the horses in this county is becoming serious. Two more horses died yesterday. Dr. T. Borroum lost his fine mare and W.T. Holman lost a valuable animal from his stable.

See sample fascinators, knit sacks, hoods, sample shirts at Grahams’ before you buy.


Iuka, Mississippi-December 17th

Dr. W.A. Hodges and Miss Katharine Bell were married here today at 12 o’clock at the residence of the bride, Rev. P.E. Duncan officiating. Dr. Hodges is one of our leading physicians and an excellent gentleman. Miss Bell was formerly from Marshal County, Mississippi, having moved here a few years ago. She is a refined and cultured lady and has won many friends and admirers since her stay here.


Horace Newcomb has returned to Joplin, Missouri, after a few days visit to homefolks.

W.G. Oberst, of the Kellogg Newspaper Company, Memphis, was in the city today.

Corinth is large enough to adopt city custom of beginning public entertainments at 8. Half past eight is too late.

Mrs. Garland died at the home of her sister, Mrs. E.S. Mitchell, this morning, from an attack of paralysis. She was well known here.

Charles Boyle and his well balanced company presented "The Star Boarder" at the New Century Theatre last evening to a large audience. Two and a half hours of solid, rolicking amusement were enjoyed and the assemblance filed out of the theatre well pleased with the result of their investment. A number of clever specialties were introduced during the course of the play that lent color to the performance.


Iuka, Mississippi, December 9th

The municipal election held here today resulted as follows: Mayor, J.J. Akers; aldermen, J.W. Jourdan, J.W. Williams, W.L. Ross, F.L. Carmack and J.B. Hubbard; treasurer, J.H. Moore; marshal, A.T. Scruggs. The election was close and great interest was manifested in the mayor’s race, Mr. Akers defeating his opponent, S.M. Dean, by only four votes.


Roads are getting bad.

Health of the community very good.

J.B. Splann and Miss May Adams went to Corinth Saturday on business.

The Woodman of the World is all the go here now with some of our people.

J.L. and Odell Williamson and Jas. Lokey went to Corinth Saturday.

J.B. Splann is preparing to move his wagon building and general repair shop, half mile west of the place it now stands, to his residence.

Mrs. Myrtle Nelms, after spending several days here, returned to her home in Corinth Saturday.

The patrons of the Chambers Creek School, has just finished their school building and school is progressing nicely.

A.R. Potts, Rile Austin and Joe Carroll, made Corinth a business trip Saturday.

Odell Williamson had a working Friday on his new house. He wants to complete it by the 15th of December.

We have listened for wedding bells, but have been sadly disappointed as well as some others so far, but time alone can tell the feture (sic), but we trust if some of our good people isn’t competent to make up their minds along that line they will employ someone to advise for them.


Miss Maude Reid is teaching school at Waynesboro, Mississippi.

O.H. Carr left here last week to make his home in Texas.

J.F. Harris, of northwest Arkansas, is visiting relatives here.

L.E. Sawyer is rapidly recovering from recent severe illness.

There is considerable interest manifested in the approaching election for mayor.

Mrs. G.W. Dudley has returned from Kansas City, Missouri, where she went for medical treatment.

Mrs. Mollie Watson is at Florence, Alabama, to have her little daughter, Lizzie, treated by a specialist.

T.J. South, of Selmer, Tennessee, was married to Miss Bettie Adams last week near Burnt Mills, in this county.

Pine Bluff Arkansas, November 3rd.

Joseph G. Jones, aged 17 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Jones, died at the family residence, this city, Sunday, of hydrophobia, after an affliction of that terribly malady lasting five days. The unfortunate young man was bitten by a dog a number of years ago, how long ago he was unable to tell, and the disease only asserted itself last week. Two leading physicians of the city attended the young man, but they were unable to successfully combat the affliction. Dying for want of water, the sight of it threw him into spasms, and in that condition he remained until death relieved him. It is among the new genuine cases of hydrophobia ever known in this city.

H.T. McGee is on a business trip to Booneville.

Bring your little folks around and let us sell them a good shoe. JAMES GISH.

Dr. McRae made Selmer a visit last night.

Miss Mary Nash Woodard, daughter of Mrs. M.E. Woodard, died last night, after an illness of several weeks with typhoid fever. Funeral services were conducted at residence this afternoon by presiding Elder W.M. Young of the M.E. Church, and the remains were interred in the Henry cemetery. The deceased was a bright young lady, just emerging from girlhood, and was greatly admired and beloved by her associates and many friends.


Municipal election second Tuesday in December.

Harry Hodges is back from Oklahoma to spend a few weeks.

  1. Hearne has sold his residence near Spring Park to Mrs. W. S. Johnson for $1,000.00

The Iuka Normal Institute has closed for want of sufficient patronage.

The Baptist Church has called Rev. L.R. Burress again. The call was made Monday night and is for an indefinite time.


Blackland Mississippi, November 18th

There will be a fifth Sunday meeting of the Tishomingo Baptist Association at the Oak Hill Church, beginning Friday, November 28th, with a sermon by Dr. T.J. Perry, of Kossuth.

The following subjects will be discussed; Foreign Missions, Domestic Missions, Temperance, How and Why Should We Give to the Cause and Orphanage.

The Rev. Austin Crouch, of Corinth, will preach on Saturday, and probably Prof. B.G. Lowrey, of Blue Mountain, will deliver a lecture on Sunday.


Kissing isn’t what it is smacked up to be.

When a wicked married man dies he gets out of the frying pan into the fire.

Marriage is an expensive necessity, and children a still more expensive luxury.

President Roosevelt’s bear hunt to Mississippi is ended, and he has not had even a shot at a bear. The last day of the chase was simply a repetition of the three preceding days, so far as his luck was concerned. Try as the hunters would, they couldn’t get a bear within range of the President’s rifle.

Memphis today is welcoming President Roosevelt, and General L.E. Wright with open arms and unbounded enthusiasm.

Corinth is becoming very strenuous. Free Show, musical attraction at theatre and a Masonic festival, all in one night.

Gerce, the 3 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Gookin, died this morning of pneumonia. The remains were interred this afternoon in Henry Cemetery.

The free advertising show drew an enormous audience to their platform last night and judging from the amount of applause bestowed upon the entertainment it seemed to please those present.

There was singing, magic dancing and music. An entire change of program will be given tonight.


The regular meeting of the Daughter’s of the Confederacy was held yesterday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. T.D. Duncan, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year. The election was as follows:

President, Mrs. Augusta Inge.

First Vice President, Mrs. M.B. Curlee.

Second Vice President, Mrs. M.B. Johns.

Recording Secretary, Mrs. Rufus East.

Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. A.D. Sadler.

Treasurer, Mrs. James Cumby.

Historian, Mrs. Edgar Young.

Seven honorary life members were elected viz:

Mesdames Jane Esters, A.D. Sadler, M.B. Curlee, Fannie Bynum, Robert Henderson, C.F. Robinson and M.B. Johns.

The meeting was a very enthusiastic one and much business was transacted.

The members heartily endorsed the "Old Deestrick Skule" and promised to leave no stone unturned to make the entertainment a success.


The Waldron Barber Shop is now prepared to give hot and cold baths at all hours. 25 cents each, or 5 tickets for $1.00, nice "parcelain" tubs. Come and see us.

Rev. J.D. Hunter of Tupelo, will begin a meeting in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church on Sunday, November 16th.

The Faculty of Public Schools cordially invites you to attend a reception to be given at the New Century Theatre Friday evening November 28th, from 7-10.

The following program will be rendered.

Piano Solo: F.H. Tschudi

Reading: Miss Ella Holman

Piano solo: Miss Kate Bell

Quarteite (sic): Misses Bell and Weaver, Messrs. Graham and Everett

Reading: Miss Lotta Rubel

Duet: Miss McCown, Mrs. Dishman

Vocal Solo: Miss Elizabeth Cox

Piano Solo: Miss Georgia Small

Vocal Solo: Miss Minnie Gibson

Reading: Miss Mary Warriner

Piano Solo: Miss Freddie Weaver

Male Quartette (sic)

The teachers of the Public Schools earnestly desire to interest the citizens of Corinth in library for the school; to this end they not only invite all friends and patrons of the school to be present Friday evening, but urge them to come, when the subject of reading as an essential part of education and the necessity of reference books in school work will be discussed.


Iuka, Mississippi, November 27th.

John Smith, an aged farmer, was found dead in his wagon ten miles southwest of this place yesterday.

He was driving the wagon to an adjoining farm to load with corn. Heart trouble is the supposed cause of death. Deceased was an ex Confederate veteran.


The following "skollars" have been selected to take part in the Old Deestrick Skule. More will be selected when these are properly classed. Boarders from a distance wanted:

Mayor Young

Col. E.S. Candler (following are Colonels)

Paul Jones



Majors Garrett (following are Majors)


Sam Sharp

Capt. Robison

Judge Green

Drs. Jones (following are doctors)












Messrs. Jordan (following are men)

W.J. Lamb

Liddon, Sr.


Henry Kylce, Sr.

T.H. Johnson


Geo. Cox, Sr.

John Dilworth

Tom Adams

Henry Moore

  1. Rubel

Will Meador

Mike Burn

Jim Cumby

James Gift



Tom Henry

Editor Martin

G.D. Winston

Will Small

John Taylor

Mark Bynum

Robert Barnhill

John Young

Asher Hamlin

Will Wallace

Hugh McAmis

Jim Skillman

Ernest Waits

Robt. Battle

  1. Borroum

R.T. Adams

Russell Weaver

Sam Nelson



Tate Young




Robt. Morrison

Forney Green

Mesdames Ozier (following are married women)

Geo. Bynum

C.F. Robinson

Chas. Elgin

Jas. Liddon






Chad Small

E.P. Simmons

Houston Elgin

Jordan Boone




E.S. Sandier, Sr.

E.S. Candler, Jr.

Lizzie Huggins

Edgar Young

John Young



Sallie Taylor

M.D. Johns

F.A. Inge


Hugh Jones

John Jones

Paul Jones

Cullen Stanley

Mark Bynum

Herbert Young

Robt. Battle

Clara Borroum

Maurice Abbey




James Cumby

Tate Young

M.D. Curlee

Estes and others.

Misses Inez Young (unmarried ladies)

Mattie McGlathery

Emma McGlathery

Addie Spence

Annie Pollock

Mary Sanders

Eula Robinson

Xorma Curry

Mary Warriner

Maggie McPeters

Otie Borroum




Bessie Johnsey

Beatrice Bass

Jennie Patty

Lottie Rubel and others.

These ladies and gentlemen are requested to meet at Century Hall Friday night at 7:30 o’clock, for the first rehearsal.

Plenty of fun is promised.

The "Deestrick Skule" is creating ever widening circles of interest. Gotten up under the auspices of the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Sons of Veterans, and having so many prominent ladies and gentlemen taking part in it cannot fail to be a success.

Besides the music will be furnished by Mrs. James Gish and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Liddon.

The public is advised to come early Tuesday night so they won’t miss seeing the "boys" and "girls" on the big road to skule.

The program is as follows:

Teachers, Mr. T.H. Johnson, Mrs. Honeysuckle, Mrs. M.B. Curlee

COMMITTEE MEN, Hon. E.S. Candler, Prof. Dobbins, Messrs. E.S. Candler, Wm. Meador and J.O. Liddon.

SHOLLARS ON ROLL, E. Rubel, Tandy Young, James Collier, Tom Henry, John Young, George Bynum, Rufus East, Frank Curlee, Paul Porter, Will McPeters, W.A. Derryberry, John Westbrooks, Ben Everett.

ABSENT, George Taylor, Elmer Sharp, Frank Hart, Bob Barnhill, Teddy Borroum, Will Small, Hugh McAmis, Maggie Johns, Emma McGlather, Lotta Rubel, Helen Meador, Addie Spence, Ola Dorman, Mary Klyce, Dosie Patterson, Lucy Klyce, Alma Boone, Helen Worsham, Hattie Newcomb, Jessie Taylor, Bessie East, Sockie Taylor, Fannie Bynum, Virginia Ozier and others.

The many friends of Frank H. Hill will regret to learn of his death a few days ago at his home in Atlanta, of typhoid fever. Mr. Hill, during his residence in Corinth of several years, was connected with the office of W.H. Nance & Co., as bookkeeper. Everyone liked Frank Hill for his many excellent traits of character. Gentle and kind, open hearted and free, a gentleman at all times, a friend that could be depended upon, he will be missed from the busy walks of life and above all from the home of a christian mother whose life was devoted to her beloved son’s welfare.


Mr. H.S. Brooks gives the Corinthian the following brief history of Lion Head Springs, south of Corinth, which will be of interest to the local readers:

In 1854 or ’55 Robert Heinaman (Hyneman), Hamilton Mask and others were deer hunting, with Dick Winn as driver. In riding through the bottom with the hounds Winn’s horse mired down, and he had to call in the hunters to pull him out.

Some little time thereafter some of the citizens met there, cleaned out the spring and put a gun therein. It so remained until about 1857 when Dr. McMillan contracted with John A. Gerhart for that plot of land, built a ten pen alley and placed that stone (lion head) in the spring, and commenced hauling lumber to build a hotel. Before he got his plans consummated, the war broke out. Things remained that way until about the close of the war. After the war, McMillan’s financial condition was not such as to allow him to go on with his first plans, and he allowed the land to fall back to the original owner, John A. Gerhart. The scales you see broke off on that lion head were "breken" off by Federal soldiers and forwarded to their friends.


The first rehearsal of the "Old Deestrick Skule" was held at the New Century Theatre last night. There was such a full attendance that all the desks on the girl’s side were taken. The few vacant seats left on the boy’s side will be filled tonight.

The ladies who have charge of the "skule" appreciate the kindness of the good people of Corinth in being so ready in every way to help them make their entertainment a success. The purpose of the play is to raise money for the work of the Daughter’s of the Confederacy and to start a fund for the Son’s of Veterans here. This money will go toward the purchase of Beauvoir. So far nothing has been done in Corinth for this cause, and an earnest effort will be made to make the contribution from the Son’s of Veterans here worthy of a town so full of war memories as ours. Let everybody take an interest in the work.

The Pitman Concert Co. will be at the New Century Theatre on the night of the 11th.

Superintendent Clark and a number of other railroad officials of the M&O, are here looking after the project of a new union depot. State Railroad Commissioner Kincannon is also here. The party will remain over until Monday.

Several Corinthians are in Memphis today taking a look at Teddy Roosevelt.

President Roosevelt will pass through Corinth tonight enroute to Washington. His train will go past about 2 a.m.

Mrs. W.W. Callahan of Decatur, Alabama and Miss Anna Jones of Gaveston, Texas, are the guests of R.A. East and family.

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