18 Apr 1817
Joseph Carsons Will
Mississippi territory, Washington
County, I make this my last will and testament. I give to my wife Caroline
Charlotte Carson, a tract of land in Fee Simple lying on Thompson's Creek,
being half of a Tract of a thousand arfunts divided between her Brother
James Green and myself. I also give to my wife my Gig and Gig-horse and
all my house and kitchen furniture, my Executors are instructed to sell
my two tracts of land in Jefferson County, either at public or private
sale and to vest the proceeds in whatever property they may deem most advantages
to the Estate. I give to my natural daughter by Mrs. Johnson on Pascagoula,
formerly Patsy Brewer, my undivided part of the land, whereon my Mother
now lives, forever, on her arriving at legal age or marrying, but if she
should die before legal age or marriage, the said land is to revert to
my legal heirs. The residence of my property not specifically devised after
the payments of debts is to be equally divided between my wife Caroline
Charlotte Carson, my little son James Green Carson and the infant with
which my wife is now pregnant-except that in taking her equal distribution
share of the negroes my wife is entitled to take Mima and Priscilla and
their increase other....value being ....to each of my children so to make
legatees share of negro property equal. It is my wish that my brother-in-law
James Green should advise and aid my wife in the education of my children.
I hereby appoint my brother-in-law James Green and wife Caroline Charlotte
Carson Executors of this my last will and testament with my hand and seal
this eighteenth of April one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, "and
their increase" interlined before signed. Joseph Carson (Seal)
Attest: Wm Baldwin
Robt Catter, B. George Buchanan
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The Last Will and Testament
of Caroline C. Carson
In the name of God Amen.
I Caroline C. Carson of the
County of Adams and State of Mississippi being of sound mind though feeble
in body do make, publish and declare this my last will and testament that
is to say
Imprivines, I give and bequeath
unto my Brother James Green of the Grove in said county, my woman slaves
Judy and Priscilla, my carriage and carriage horses and the sum of two
thousand dollars to be held in trust to and for the use and purpose hereafter mentioned, viz; the said slave Judy my carriage and carriage horses and
the sum of one thousand dollars to and for the use and benefit of my sister
Eliza C. Woods during her natural life; and the said slave Priscilla, together
with the sum of one thousand dollars which I desire the said trustee may
lay outs in the purchase of a house servant and cook, to and for the use
and benefits of my sister Matilda S. Railey; and it is my desire and I do
hereby empower, the said trustee, at the request of my Sisters aforesaid
each in her own case to sell or otherwise dispose of the said property
holding the proceeds in either case subject to the use and trust before
Item, I give and bequeath
my Sisters Eliza C. Woods and Matilda S. Railey in equal portions to each
all my household furniture of every description, jewelry and wearing apparel
now at the grove where I at present reside.
Item, I give and bequeath
to my brother James Green and to my Sisters Eliza C. Wood and Matilda S.
Railey, the Sum of five hundred dollars to be by them distributed if they
shall deem it expedient among my slaves, on the first day of January after
my decease in such proportions as they think proper having reference to
the merits of the said slaves; and if they shall not deem it expedient
to distribute the said sum of five hundred dollars, or a less sum which
they are hereby empowered to do; then the said Legacy to be void; And I
furthermore make it my request that a small sum be distributed among the
said slaves annually thereafter until my son James G. Carson attains his
Item I give and bequeath
the entire remainder of my real and personal estate to my beloved son James
G. Carson with a desire that he will comply with the following request
of his affectionate mother.
1st That the slaves Jesse,
Mima, Jinney and Suckey be favored as much as possible in relation to labour
so long as they continue to deserve it.
2nd That the slave Ned Morris,
should he as heretofore continue faithful and deserving be emancipated
on his attaining the age of thirty agt years and the the sum of five hundred
dollars be then given him. I desire it to be expressly understood
that Ned's emancipation is to depend on his faithfulness in the discharge
of his duty and that of this my Brother James Green and my son James are
both or either of them to be the Judges. If my brother and son should neither
of them survive until Ned attains the age of thirty eight then it is my
request that his emancipation and outfite of five hundred dollars depends
on the decision of my said sisters Elza C. Woods and Matilda S. Raily or
the survivors of them.
3rd If Ned Morris be deemed
worthy and receive emancipation at the time theresaid that his wife Suckey,
if they should remain until that emacipated and she should continue faithful
and deserving, be emancipated with him.
Item I hereby appoint my
Brother James Green and my son James G. Carson Executors of this my Last
Will and Testament and I request them or either of them, if they shall
deem it proper and secure advantageous offers therein to sell my tracts
of lands lying on the waters of the Pine Woods Creek and the .... In Wilkinson County and also my lots of land
adjoining land of William N. Mercer in the
County of Adams contains about Sixty five acres and to est the proceeds
in the best manner for the interest of my son.
Given under my hands at
the Gove aforesaid this seventh day of July AD 1831
Caroline C.
Carson (Seal)
Signed sealed Published and
as the last will and testament
of the testator
in presence of
John Hutchins
Wm. K. Wilson
Henry Wm Huntington
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