Portraits of
Unidentified Adams County Residents Who Have Died

This lady's last name is Snodgrass. Can you help us with her
name, her husband, children, dates, and parents? Email Carolyn
Switzer with your information.
If you have unidentified portraits of
Adams County residents who have died, and are willing to submit them for placing
on this page, please contact Carolyn Switzer.
If you can identify any of these subjects, please help us identify them.
Co, MS and the USGenWeb Project reserves the right to edit or refuse submissions
that do not meet requirements, or which are not in keeping with the purpose
and/or standards of the USGenWeb Project, and this page. Adams Co, MS and
the USGenWeb Project also reserves the right to crop, resize and/or reformat
photos to meet HTML and page requirements. No copyrighted material will
be accepted, except that which was authored by the submitter. Submission
of material grants Adams Co, MS and the USGenWeb Project permission to
place the file/photo on it's page. Contributors may withdraw submitted
material at any time, via E-Mail request.
To submit information,
please contact: Carolyn Switzer
to Picture Index
This county is maintained
by Carolyn Switzer
Copyright Carolyn Switzer 2002-2009 - All Rights Reserved