![]() _______________________________________ Some 1887 & 1897 Natchez Businesses The following information has been extracted from: The Memento, Old and New Natchez 1700-1897 In Two Volumes; Published by Major Steve Power. A Resident of Natchez Fifty-odd Years. A Veteran of the Mexican and Civil Wars.; F. C. Nunemacher Press, Louisville, Kentucky, 1897. Original book in the collection of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson, Mississippi. Reprinted Myrtle Bank Publishers, Natchez, Mississippi, 1984. Natchez, Mississippi
On Top, Not "Under The Hill," from the original book in the collection
of Thomas H. Gandy; Myrtle Bank Publishers Natchez, Mississippi,
reprinted 1983, Limited Edition.
file may be downloaded for personal, non-commercial use only, and
Business List / Browse Surname Index
This county is maintained by Carolyn Switzer Copyright Carolyn Switzer 2002-2009 - All Rights Reserved |
The following is an alphabetized list of all surnames appearing within the advertisements. Use the "Find" tool on your Browser to locate the surname in the Business List |
Aldrich Baker (2) Barkley Beatty Beer, A (2) Behrens Benjamin Benoist Berdon Bessag Blackburn Boger Botto Bowen Briel Britton Brown, E. A. Brown, E. E. Brown, W. H. Buell Bunning Burke Burns Byrnes | Campbell Carpenter Chamberlain Clark Cole Conner Crowell Davis, B. B. Davis, Henry DeLap Dicks Donaldson Duchesne Ducrow Eisely Eisle Feltus Fitzpatrick Frank (2) Geisenberger Grady Griffin Grillo Grover | Harper Hirsch Hogan Holmes James Johnston Kastor Kellogg Kirkpatrick Klapp Koontz Lambert Lanneau Learned Lowenburg Mack Mallery Mannocci Martin (2) Marx Mason Mayer McDowel Merrill | Metcalfe (2) Middleton Moses Mulvihill Musgrove Myers Neihysel Noonan Norman O'Brian (2) O'Ferrall Pallotta Parker (2) Partridge Patterson Payne Perrault Pfaffenbach Power Prince Purnell Ramsey Rawle Reale | Reber Samuels Salvo Scharff Schwartz Shaw Shields Shlenker Simmons Smith Steitenroth Stewart Stockman Thompson Turley (2) Ullman Walsh Welch Wensel West Whitcomb Wood Young Zurhellen |
NATCHEZ 1887 and 1897 BUSINESSES |
Establishment of L. D. ALDRICH | Wholesale and retail dealer in Cutlery. China, silver and glassware, chandeliers, bracket lamps, lamp trimmings, oils, and house furnishing goods. 417 Main Street. [1897] |
BAKER & JAMES | Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hardware and Agricultural Implements. Tin ware, Cutlery, Guns, Ammunition, Wood.....and Willow Ware. Crockery and China a Specialty. Agents for Superior Stoves and Ranges. The Best on the Market. 507 and 509 Franklin Street. [1897] |
BAKER & MCDOWELL | Hardware and Farming Implements. Agency Pratt Gins, Charter Oak Stoves, Deering and Buckeye Mowers. [1897] |
Frank P. BEATTY | Fancy & Staple Groceries. Corn. Union and Jefferson Sts. Goods Delivered Free. [1887] |
A. BEER & Company | Wholesale grocers. Hay, grain, flour, meal, meats. A. BEER and Sol. MYERS. [1897] |
BEER, MYERS & Co. | Wholesale Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. Sole Agents for the Celebrated Puritan Rye Whisky. [sic]. 517 Franklin Street. A. BEER; S. MYERS; M. BEER. [1897] |
N. A. BEHRENS | Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Bananas, Lemons, Oranges, Coconuts and California Fruits a Specialty. Also Oyster in Season. Correspondence Solicited. 529 Main Street. Temple Opera House Building. [1897] |
P. U. BENJAMIN | "The Leading Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fine Wines, Liquors, Flasks, Corks, Playing Cards and Bar Fixtures. Sole agent for the World-Renowned Pabst Milwaukee Beer. Special Attention Given to Orders from Prohibition Places." 112-114 South Commerce Street. [1897] |
BENOIST Clothing House | Men's Furnishings, Hats, Reliable Clothing, always to be had. 420 Main Street. Established 1881. L. A. BENOIST. [1897] |
C. A. BESSAG, Agt. | Watchmaker - Diamonds, Fine Jewelry, Watches, Emg. [1887] |
C. G. BLACKBURN | Fine Farms F for Exchange. Kentucky farms, the finest in the State, will be exchanged for Mississippi and Louisiana farms, or will be sold and close figures. C. G. BLACKBURN, Livest Real Estate Agent in Mississippi. P.O. Box 134. Also, Tennessee Coal and Iron Lands. BLACKBURN has the best list in Mississippi. All titles made perfect without any work by the purchaser. Easy Terms. Also, City and Suburban Lots From $150 up. Fine residences, with all modern improvements, for sale and rent. To those who wish a home in the South during the winter, BLACKBURN offers inducements, having some of the finest mansions for rent. [1887] |
F. W. BOGER | Phoenix Saloon. Commerce St. [1887] |
W. B. BRIEL, Jr. | No. 83 Main St. Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Notions, Toys. 25 Good White Envelopes for 5 Cents; 18 Sheets Good Note Paper for 5 Cents. And other Goods Proportionately Low! [1887] |
BRITTON & KOONTZ Bank | R. F. LEARNED, President. Geo. W. KOONTZ, Vice-President. R. I. METCALFE, Cashier. [1897] |
E. A. BROWN | Successor to H. C. TURLEY and R. L. PARKER, Kentucky Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Corner Main and Canal Streets. Finest turnouts in the city. Single or double teams. Best saddle horses. "Special...Do you ride? If so you can be suited with a nice saddle horse or as fine a rig as you ever saw, by the undersigned, who has some of the finest saddle and driving horses in the South for sale or hire, at prices that are sure to fit. E. A. BROWN, Turley & Parker's Old Stand." [1897] |
Ernest E. BROWN | Attorney at Law. [1897] |
W. H. BROWN Sons | Wholesale and Retail Coal. Pittsburgh and Shotwell. Principal Office, 100 Main St. J. M. BOWEN, Manager. [1887] |
M. F. BUNNING & Co. | Temple of Pharmacy. 111 Main St. Prescriptions A Specialty. Perfumery and Toilet Articles. Patent Medicines, Etc. [1887] |
M. BURKE | Ladies', Misses', Gentlemen's, Youths' and Children's Fine Boots and Shoes! Children's from 50cts to $2.00; Ladies from $1.00 to $4.00; Gents Lace, Button and Gaiters from $1.50 to $5.00. Rubbers, Trunks and Valises. No. 95 Main Street. [1887] |
BURNS Shoe Store | The Great Shoe Man of Natchez, who inaugurated low retail prices in shoes, has astonished his competitors and the public with his success. BURNS sells shoes in all lines the best and cheapest - at wholesale prices freight added. He has the largest retail trade based on spot cash sales. Orders from the country will have special attention. In connection with shoes, BURNS is known as the great Baker and Flour Dealer of Natchez. Address, P. BURNS 43 & 45 Pines Street, Natchez. [1887]. "The people's popular cheap Shoe House. Largest Sales, from St. Louis to New Orleans." 414-416 Main Street. [1897] |
BYRNES & FELTUS | Wholesale Druggist and Manufacturing Chemists. Corner Main and Commerce Streets. "Proprietors of Mull-A-Septic, The Marvelous Healer, and Feverfuge, The Greatest Chill and Fever Cure." Corner Main and Commerce Streets. R. Lee BYRNES, and A. M. FELTUS. [1897] |
J. N. CARPENTER & Co. | J. N. CARPENTER - G. G. KLAPP. Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants. This house does exclusively an advancing and cotton factorage business, and is the only house of its kind in Natchez. Consignments of cotton will receive full justice as the members of this firm are experienced in cotton, and give their whole attention to the interests of their patrons. They have unequaled facilities for carrying on their business. [1887] |
CHAMBERLAIN & PATTERSON | C. T. CHAMBERLAIN & J. W. H. PATTERSON. Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Notions. 84 Main Street. This well-known house was established in 1869, since which time it has done the leading Dry Goods business of the city. They keep constantly on hand the largest and handsomest assortment of Goods in their line, and give close personal attention to their business. |
COLE & Co. | Dry goods, carpets, marrints, and window shades. "New lines of tailor-made suits, and separable skirts. Novelty shirt waists, perfect fitting. [1897] |
Richard E. CONNER, Sr. | Attorney at Law [1897] |
B. B. DAVIS | Builder, Carpenter, Contractor. Estimates and Designs furnished promptly, and all work guaranteed in accordance with specifications, every time. |
Henry DAVIS | Great Variety Store. Everything first-class and the lowest priced house in the city. Chinaware, Crockery, Wooden Ware, Toys, Fancy Vests, Glassware, Tinware, Willow Ware, Dolls, Lamps, Specialty of Cutlery. Holliday [sic] Goods in Season, and Largest Stock in the City. Staple and Fancy Groceries. Accommodating clerks. No trouble to show goods. 134 6 [sic] Franklin St. |
E. G. DELAP Co. | Insurance. 406 Franklin Street. [1897] |
F. A. DICKS | Manufacturers Agents, Importers and Dealers, Pure Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Lamps, Surgical Instruments, Druggists' Sundries, and General Store Sundries. 17, 17, 19 Commerce St. [1887] |
DONALDSON | Books, Stationery and Music House. Violins, Banjos, Guitars, Fifes, Music Books, Sheet Music, Flutes, Strings, Etc., of all kinds, Accordions, Harmonicas, and everything else in the Music Line. Pianos and Organs Sold on time and easy payments. Old pianos taken in part payment. Also a full stock of Blank Books, School Books in paper, Novels and Bound Books and everything else in the Book and Stationery line. News Depot - Subscriptions taken for all Magazines and papers published at publishers rates. Remember the place, 109 Main Street. [1887] |
M. G. DUCROW | " 'The Old War Artist' still lives. Portraits, Fresco and Church Decorating, Ornamental Painting. Wall paper, paints, varnishes, glass, art materials, pictures and picture frames, moldings, and everything kept by first-class dealers in my line." "Many of the sketches published by the Pictorial Press of America and Europe, during the Civil War, were from the pencil of DUCROW; and he painted in Natchez a complete History of the Great Conflict, a series of 86 Pictures 10 X 8 feet in size." 502 Main Street. [1897] |
Geo. T. EISLE | Dealer in Hardware and House-Furnishing Goods. Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair. No. 12 Union Street. [1887] |
Excelsior Steam Laundry | "First-Class Work Done on Short Notices. Orders sent by Mail or Express will receive Prompt an Careful Attention. All work guaranteed." Eugene M. CLARKE, proprietor. C. H. CROWELL, Manager. 304 State Street. [1897] |
First Natchez Bank | Capital, $100,000. Special Collection Department. A. G. CAMPBELL, President; Louis BOTTO, Vice-President; R. Lee WOOD, Cashier. Directors: A. G. CAMPBELL, Louis BOTTO, H. L. BAKER, Henry FRANK, W. P. STEWART. [1897] |
Louis A. FITZPATRICK | Gun Maker and Locksmith, Amunition and Sporting Goods. 1837-1897. 521 Main Street. [1897] |
Henry FRANK | 1863 - 1887; Established 24 Years. Dry Goods, NOtions, Shoes and Hats. The only exclusive jobbing house in the State in its line. A visit through Mr. Frank's establishment reveals a thoroughly systematic arrangement of his large stocks that will enable buyers to select their purchases in the shortest order and with the most satisfactory results. [1887] |
A. H. GEISENBERGER | Attorney at Law. 105 S. Pearl Street. [1897] |
John GRADY | Dealer in General Merchandise. Madison St. and Cemetery Road. [1887] |
Wm. GRIFFIN | Bar and Pool Room Cor. Main & Commerce. Fine Wines & Liquors. 15 Ball Pool. [1887] |
James A. GRILLO | Newsdealer. Subscriptions taken for all American and Foreign Newspapers and Magazines. 409 Main Street. [1897] |
John HARPER | Dealer in china, crockery, cutlery, tin, glass, and woodware. 419 Main St. "Cut glass a specialty." [1897] |
W. J. HOGAN Co. | Dry goods, millinery, mattings, rugs. Located on the corner of Main and Pearl Streets. [1897] |
L. KASTOR's Harness | "Hitch Up....But before you do that come 'round and buy a new set of Hand-Made Harness. I keep a full line of everything in the Harness and Saddlery Line, and have the best stock of good ever brought to this city. I use nothing but Best leather. Repairing promptly done." Whips, lashes, collars, currycombs, brushes, bridles, halters, blankets, nets, lap robes, harness oils, hardware, etc. 529 Franklin Street. [1897] |
Kentucky Livery, Feed and Sale Stable | H. C. TURLEY & R. L. PARKER, owners. Main and Canal Streets. [1897] |
J. R. KIRKPATRICK & H. L. PURNELL | Established 1887 - Druggists and Chemists. No 85 Main Street, Natchez, Miss. Our establishment is second to none in the State in point of Elegance and Completeness. J. R. KIRKPATRICK, the senior partner of the firm, has charge of the Prescription Department with an experience of 15 years. Our Homoepathis Department is now the most complete in the State. Give us a call when you visit Natchez. [1887] |
I. LOWENBURG & Co. | Wholesale Grocers. Hay, Grain, Flour, Meal, Etc. Cigars and Tobacco. Cotton Factors. Agents for Celebrated Eagle Gin Stand. Sim H. LOWENBURG. E. SAMUELS. [1897] |
MACK & HOLMES | Tin and Sheet Iron Workers. Jobs executed promptly. 114 N. Commerce St. Florence MACK. Thos. J. HOLMES. [1897] |
W. H. MALLERY | Compliments of W. H. Mallery, The Leading Grocer of Natchez [1887] |
Ferd. D. MANNOCCI | New Store! New Stock! Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Wines and Liquors, Tobacco & Cigars. Purity of Goods in Every Department Guaranteed. Franklin Street, Corner Rankin. [1887] |
MARTIN & LANNEAU | Law Office. Wm. T. MARTIN; K. Palmer LANNEAU. [1897] |
MARX & SCHARFF | Wholesale Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. Sole agents for the celebrated Acme Saloon Private Stock Whiskey. Jonas MARX. Monroe SCHARFF. [1897] |
MASON & REHN | Thos. MASON - Geo. T. REHN. The Oldest Wholesale and Retail House in Natchez. This firm ranks up among the leading ones of the South. An evidence that their extensive business is known generally, is in the fact that manufacturers of farm implements of all kinds, are continually seeking to place an agency with them. Their main line is Groceries and Plantation Supplies. But they show a Variety of Cotton Gins! Wagons! and other implements. All goods delivered to depots, steamboat landings, or any part of the city free. [1887] |
Simon MAYER | Life, Accident, or Fire Insurance. 102 South Commerce Street. [1897] |
MERRILL & MARTIN | D. S. MERRILL - W. C. MARTIN. Law Real Estate & Loan Office. Office:-No. 17 1/2 S. Commerce St. Natchez, Miss. [1887] |
E. L. MIDDLETON | Proprietor Elite Saloon, 53 Main St. Opera Saloon, Democrat Building. [1887] |
I. N. MOSES | Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Wagons, Surreys, Carts, Carriages, Buggies, Whips, Etc. Single and Double Harness, all kinds Saddlery, Furniture, Etc." Terms: Net Cash. 122, 124, and 126 N. Commerce St., and 405-407 Franklin St. [1897] |
P. W. MULVIHILL | "Dealer in Hardware, House Furnishing Goods, Pumps, Stoves, Steam and Gas Fittings, Builders Materials, Doors, Sash and Blinds. In connection with my business the Largest Tin Shop in the City." [1897] |
R. G. MUSGROVE & Co. | Cotton Buyers. Office in Democrat Building, Natchez, Miss. Planters will find it to their interest to call upon us before selling their cotton. All communications addressed to us will receive prompt attention. We buy cotton along the river and railroad. Do not consign your cotton to New Orleans or Memphis when you can sell it to us and save commission and numerous charges. The Natchez Market is the place to dispose of your crop at fancy prices. Cotton consigned to us will be held subject to instructions. [1887] |
Natchez and Bayou Sara | "The New and Fast...."U. S. Mail Packet Liberty Prince. Leaves Natchez Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 12 M. Leaves Bayou Sara Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, 4 A.M. Thos. PRINCE, Master. Chas. PFAFFENBACH, Clerk. [1897] |
(The) Natchez Democrat | Daily and Weekly. Official Organ of the City and County. James W. LAMBERT, Proprietor. Subscription Price: Daily, $6.00 Per Year, in Advance. Weekly, $1.00 Per Year, in Advance. The Democrat's Job Department is supplied with Everything Necessary for First-Class Work. Bill Heads, Circulars, Posters, Note Heads, programs, Dodgers, Letter Heads, Invitations, Etc., Etc., Etc. orders by mail receive prompt attention. [1897] |
Natchez Piano and Furniture Company | Pianos, organs, furniture, trunks, clocks, chromos and fine pictures. Agents for New Home, Standard and Domestic Sewing Machines. 406 Main Street. S. H. JOHNSTON, president. L. F. BUELL, Secretary and Treasurer. [1897] |
Natchez Savings Bank | Authorized capital, $200,000; Paid in Capital, $25,000. Maurice MOSES, President, Abe MOSES, Cashier. [1897] |
Natchez Tailoring Company | Suitings, pants, etc. Woolens and Worsteds. "Pants made to order for $3.50 and up. Suits made to order for $15.00 and up. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Neatly Done." T. J. EISELY, and Chas. PALLOTTA. [1897] |
M. Neihysel | Wholesale Confectionery! Fine Candies and Cakes for Weddings and Parties A Specialty! 81 Main Street. [1887] |
New Orleans & Northwestern Railway Co. | J. M. BARKLEY, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Natchez. [1897] |
John NOONAN | "The Leading Baker. Bread, cakes and family groceries. Have in stock one to three hundred barrels of flour. Favorite brands." Established April 13, 1880. Corner of Commerce and State Streets. [1897] |
H. C. NORMAN Photographic Studio | "Neihvsel Building, Main Street. (Adjoining New Masonic Temple.) First-Class Work done at reasonable rates. Louisianians are especially invited to visit my studio...The new two-story brick, being built next to the Episcopal Church, Washington Street, will be occupied July, 1897, as an Art and Photograph Gallery by H. C. NORMAN." [1897] |
O'BRIEN & Co. | Brick Makers and Builders. Work of every description solicited. Estimates Furnished for Buildings and other work on application. Bricks Sold and Delivered at Our Established Reduced RTES. [1887] |
Jno. J. O'FERRALL | Public Gin and Mill. Does a Regular Ginning Business and Grinds Corn. Money Advanced on Seed Cotton. Highest Prices for Cotton Seed. Works at "Forks-of-the-Road St. Catherine Street. [1887] |
O'NEIL & Co. | J. B. OBRIEN, Agt. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Pittsburgh Coal. Orders for Coal along the line of the N. J. & C. R. R. will receive prompt attention. Orders left at branch office, in Democrat building, will receive prompt attention. |
Geo. T. PAYNE | Dealer in Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots a& Shoes, China, Glassware and General Plantation Supplies House. 169 and 171 Franklin St., Cor. Pine. Highest Cash Price Paid for Cotton. [1887] |
T. E. PERRAULT | Established 1871 - Mens' Youths' and Boys' Clothing. Furnishing Goods. Hats. Corner Main Commerce Sts. [1887] |
Stephen F. POWER | Commercial Broker. 1866 - 1878 - 1887. Representing old established firms of undoubted character and sterling integrity. Flour Manufacturers, Grain, Feed, and Commission Merchants, Native Wines Company, the very best in the United States. Correspondents: Kehlor Bros., St. Louis, Flour Manufacturers, capacity, 5000 barrels per day. Winfree, Adams, & Lloyd, Lynchburng, Va., Tobacco Manufacturers, "Arkansas Traveler." Corn Meal, Grain, Hay and Feed ordered daily by wire. I can be found daily from 12 to 6 o'clock at the Insurance office of Oren METCALFE, Esq., 65 Main street, opposite Britton & Koontz Bank. [1887] |
N. W. RAMSEY | The Perfect Number 7. American Sewing Machine. Best In The World! N. W. RAMSEY, Gen'l Agent. Office - Opposite Britton & Koontz Bank. [1887] |
John RAWLE | Insurance and Real Estate. P.O. Box 83. Natchez [1897] |
Jos. REALE | Dealer in Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco. Agent for Lemp's Lager Beer. 607 and 609 Franklin Street. [1897] |
Thos. REBER | Thos. REBER, Pres. Natchez Street Railway Company. Four Miles of Road Built and Under Construction. Proprietors of the Casino and Park Lighted by Electricity. Largest Theatrical Stage in the State. Auditorium seating 2,000 Persons. [1887] |
Julius W. ROOS | Dealer in all kinds of Plantation Supplies. Over Three Hundred and Fifty People Advanced Every Year. Fourth Largest Cotton Handler in the City. A man whom his neighbors and competitors will recommend. Cor. Pine and Jefferson Sts., Natchez, Miss. [1887] |
John E. ROUSE | Dealer in wines and liquors. Agent for the Unheuser-Busch Beer. Malt Nutrine, Budweiser Bottled Beer. "Jug Trade a Specialty." 510 Franklin Street. [1897] |
RUMBLE & WENSEL Co. | Wholesale grocers and Commission Merchants. 100 Main Street. Established 1865. [1897] |
SALVO and BERDON Candy Co. | Confectioners and Mineral Water Bottlers. "Call at our retail store for packing of the finest candies and cakes, also try our creams, inces, and Charlotte Russe soda, which is unequaled by any in the city. Wedding and party orders solicited." Factor and office: 110-112 S. Wall Street. Retail Store: 506 Main St. [1897] |
J. C. SCHWARTZ | The Pioneer House. Schwrtz' [sic] Hardware Store. Wholesale Hardware, Stoves, Metals, Builders', Machinists' and Wagon Makers' Supplies. Improved Agricultural Implements. Factor of the Leading Plows, Planters, Mowers and Cultivators. Special Agent For Steam Engines, Cotton Gins, Presses and Grist Mills. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. {1887] |
SHAW & Sons | Foundry and Machine Shop. Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Cottor [sic] Presses, Shaftings, Pulleys, Pine and Fittings, Brass Goods, Etc. General Repair Works. Terms Cash. [1887] |
W. H. SHIELDS | Real estate agent, and insurance agent of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of NY. 103 North Pearl Street. [1897] |
SHLENKER & HIRSCH | I. SHLENKER, Troyville, LA; SHLENKER & HIRSCH, Natchez, Miss. No. 16 Commerce St. Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, Furniture, Groceries, Tobaccos, Bagging & Ties, Meats, Trunks & Valises, Plantation Supplies, Liberal Advances Made on Growing Crops and Consignments. [1887] |
L. D. SIMMONS | "The Photographic Artist. Instanteous Process Used Exclusively. Fine Portraits and Photographs in all the latest Styles. Baby Pictures a Specialty. Prices Very Reasonable. All Work Guaranteed to be First Class. Old Pictures Copied and Enlarged to any size desired, in Crayon and Pastel, in Frames to Correspond. 325 Main Street. [1897] |
Wm. STEITENROTH | Modern Architect and Builder. Plans for Residences, Stores and Buildings of All Descriptions, furnished at Very Reasonable Prices. Office: Room 5, Democrat Building. [1887] |
STOCKMAN Grocery Co. | Dealers in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Consignments of County Produce Solicited. Goods Delivered Free. 120 N. Commerce St. [1897] |
The Natchez | "The Best and Only First-Class Hotel in Natchez." Featured gas, electric lights, steam heat, hot and cold water, reasonable rates. Jas. G. SMITH, Manager. [1897] |
THOMPSON & PARTRIDGE | Compliments of THOMPSON & PARTRIDGE, the Pioneer Cotton Buyers. Buy over Half the cotton that comes to the City. [1887] |
Tri-Weekly Banner | 6 Cols. Folio. Leon C. DUCHESNE, Prop. and Pub. Natchez, Miss. Fearless and independent. Favors tariff protection and reform in the liquor traffic. Although only established March, 1886, it has the largest circulation of any paper here., The best medium in this State for advertising. Rates furnished on application. Subscription - Three Months, $1.00; Six Months, $2.00; One Year, $4.00. [1887] |
M. M. ULLMAN & Co. | Clothiers. Hatters and Furnishers. Merchant tailoring a specialty. 425 and 427 Main Street. [1897] |
Establishment of P. WALSH | Natchez Miss. 22 Commerce St.: Carpets, Oil Cloths and Mattings Exclusively. 24 Commerce St.: Fine Dress Goods, Domestics, Woolens, Hosiery, Shoes, Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, Etc. 26 Commerce St.: (Cor. of State): Family Groceries and House Furnishing Goods of All Kinds. [1887] |
C. WEIR | Wholesale and Retail Butchers Stalls 4, 6, and 9, Natchez Market. Boats Furnished with Beef, Pork, and Mutton at Lowest Prices. Orders may be sent by telegraph at our expense. [1887] |
L. F. WELCH | The Vienna Bakery. Family and Fancy Groceries. Cigars & Tobacco, Candies, Fruits, Etc. 156 Franklin Street. [1887] |
H. F. WEST | Wholesale and Retail Druggist and Manufacturing Pharmacist. Cor. Main and Commerce Sts., Stationery, Cigars, Tobacco, Seeds. Toilet and Fancy articles of all kinds. Prescriptions a specialty, and great attention is paid to the purity of our drugs and chemicals. Valuable [sic] house-hold remedies manufactured in our own laboratory. [1887] |
Geo. L. WHITCOMB | Having just opened in the New Polkinghorne Building, No. 152 Franklin Street, I have on hand a new and complete stock of Groceries and Plantation Supplies. From my long acquaintance with the business, I am prepared to give perfect satisfaction to my customers. Mr. Chas. WHITCOMB, of late firm of GROVER and WHITCOMB, will be found at above stand with me. [1887] |
J. L. YOUNG & Co. | Druggists and Stationers. 510 Main Street, Natchez. J. L. YOUNG; J. H. KELLOGG. [1897] |
A. ZURHELLEN | Dealer in Diamonds, Fine Jewelry, Watches, Spectacles. 404 Main Street. [1897] |