Pictures of Various
Antebellum Homes
in Adams County
(Unless noted All Pictures Are Originals By Carolyn Switzer)

Auburn was built in 1812. It is a
grand mansion with a beautiful free-standing stairway unsupported to the second
level. The portrait that winks at you stirs up the curiosity of
visitors. It is surrounded with live oaks and is part of Duncan
Park. The City of Natchez owns the home and it is operated by the Auburn
Garden Club. It is a National Historic Landmark.

Bontura was built in 1851 by Robert Smith, a
free African-American. It was operated as an inn with a unique carriage
house. It is on the National Register.

Cherokee was built between 1794-1810.
This Greek Revival has interesting winding stairs. It is on the National

Connelly's Tavern
or The House on Ellicott's Hill
The House on Ellicott's Hill was built in
1798. Andrew Ellicott raised the American flag on this hill in 1797.
The Tavern in the lower level of the house was near the end of the Natchez
Trace. The Natchez Garden Club has it's home on the grounds of this
home. The restoration of this home has been the project of the
Natchez Garden Club. It is a National Historical Landmark.

D'Evereux was built about 1840. It is
a grand house built in the Greek Revival style of architecture. This
mansion entertained such notables as Henry Clay and Audubon. It is on the
National Register.

The Presbyterian Manse
The Presbyterian Manse was built about
1830. It was the location for many weddings in the Natchez area.

Longwood was built in 1860-1861 by Dr.
Haller Nutt for his wife, Julie and their family. Construction on
the home was halted with the onslaught of the Civil War because building
materials could not be shipped to complete the house. Longwood contains
all it original furnishings on the lower level which was completed. The
upper levels are the same as they were when the Civil War stopped the work on
the house. The cupola would have provided solar light for all the upper
levels. This unusual octagonal house is a National Historic

Monmouth was built in 1818 by Governor John
A Quitman of Mississippi. General Quitman was famous in the Mexican
War. Complementing this beautiful mansion are its lovely
grounds. It is a National Historic Landmark.
For more information,
click here.

Oakland was built about 1838 for the
granddaughter of "Don Estevan" Minor who was the Spanish Governor of
the Natchez Territory. It is on the National Register.

Rosalie was built about 1820. It is
located on the site of Fort Rosalie where the Natchez Indians massacred the
French in 1729. During the Civil War it was the headquarters for the Union
Army. It is now the home of the Mississippi State Society of the Daughters
of the American Revolution. It is a National Historic Landmark.
For more information, click

Stanton Hall
Stanton Hall was built in 1857 by the Stanton
family. It is one of the most magnificent antebellum home in
America. The Pilgrimage Garden Club makes their home on the grounds of
Stanton Hall. They have been responsible for the restoration of this
home. It is a National Historic Landmark.

The Burn
The Burn was built about 1834 and was
one of the first Greek Revival homes in Natchez. It is an elegant three
story mansion with a graceful semi-spiral staircase.
For more information,
click here.

The Parsonage
The Parsonage was built in 1852 by the Methodist
Church on land given by Peter Little,
who owned Rosalie at that time, for his wife, Eliza, who was deeply religious and made
it a home for visiting ministers. It is on the National Register.